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Research Project

This blog is presently being used to conduct research on certain aspects of Religion and Health. These aspects will hopefully be better defined as the research proceeds further. It has been suggested that we gather as much materials as possible on Psychosis and Mysticism, preferably by experts in the field, not people who write stuff based on their beliefs, on religious beliefs (which are often not founded or proved) or on their subjective experience. It has also been suggested that we also take into account psychiatric, sociological, philosophical as well as psychological elements in this research. We would like to write a paper following international professional guidelines and take all precautions in referencing etc.

Looking forward to finding an interesting evolution of posts and comments on our blog in way of this proposed research.

Monday, July 28, 2008

Selected Extracts - 2008-07-28-M

From 'Essence of Islam - Volume One'  - Copyright © 2001-02 Ahmadiyya Muslim Community (Islamic Books):
The Holy Quran is a Book so full of wisdom that it has brought out the accord between the principles of spiritual medicine, that is to say, the principles of religion which are truly spiritual medicine, and physical medicine, and this accord is so fine that it opens the doors of hundreds of insights and verities. It is only that person who can interpret the Holy Quran truly and perfectly, who ponders the principles laid down by the Holy Quran in the light of the system of physical medicine. On one occasion I was shown in a vision some books of expert physicians which contained a discussion of the principles of physical medicine, among which was included the book of the expert Physician Qarshi, and it was indicated to me that these Books contained a commentary on the Holy Quran. This shows that there is a deep relationship between the science of bodies and the science of religion and that they confirm each other. When I looked at the Holy Quran, keeping in mind the books that dealt with physical medicine, I discovered that the Holy Quran sets out in an excellent manner the principles of physical medicine [Chashma Marifat, (Qadian, Anwar Ahmadiyyah Press, 1908); Now published in Ruhani Khazain (London, 1984), Vol. 23., pp. 94-95].

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