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Research Project

This blog is presently being used to conduct research on certain aspects of Religion and Health. These aspects will hopefully be better defined as the research proceeds further. It has been suggested that we gather as much materials as possible on Psychosis and Mysticism, preferably by experts in the field, not people who write stuff based on their beliefs, on religious beliefs (which are often not founded or proved) or on their subjective experience. It has also been suggested that we also take into account psychiatric, sociological, philosophical as well as psychological elements in this research. We would like to write a paper following international professional guidelines and take all precautions in referencing etc.

Looking forward to finding an interesting evolution of posts and comments on our blog in way of this proposed research.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Personal Taharat (cleanliness) and practices in the West

Selected Extract from Tarbiyyat Medical - Jul-Sep 2010

Personal Taharat (cleanliness) and practices in the West:
1. Toilet Paper:
The use of toilet paper is common in the West. All this does is to absorb urine from the body, but leaves behind a thin layer that cannot be absorbed. Similarly, after opening of the bowels, using toilet tissue wipes the residual faecal material off the body, but leaves a thin invisible layer smeared on it. The only way to cleanse the body of these ‘najasats’ is to wash the areas thoroughly with clean water.
2. Micturition (passing urine):
The act of micturition should be performed whilst sitting down on the toilet seat or crouching on the heels on the ground if proper toilet facilities are not available. The reason for that is simply that the stream of urine doesn’t splash back and fall on one’s clothes and body causing the body to come in contact with najasat.
3. Urinals:
The use of urinals for men in public toilets or some other place is unacceptable for two important reasons. One is very simply that it goes against the rules of modesty, where one’s modesty must be protected by the command of Allah. Secondly, the splash back from the urinal is often directly onto the clothes and there is no water available to wash off the private parts after the end of micturition. It would be better to go to the normal toilet, where at least one could use toilet tissue (which is not possible at the urinal). Proper taharat with clean water must be performed at the first opportunity thereafter.
4. When water is not available (e.g. whilst travelling):
It is permissible to use clean toilet paper, or pebbles to clean off urine or faecal material (or other najasats) off the body. However, once water does become available, one should use that to purify the body as soon as possible.


Selected Extracts - Tarbiyyat Medical - Apr-Jun 2010


When children are with other children, ensure they are not playing alone.
Also do not leave a child who is playing alone unattended.
(point 20 in Tarbiyyat of Children)

Hazrat Khalifatul Masih II (may Allah be pleased with him) said:
“The period of childhood is a period in which a lot of things and actions (by the child) have to be forgiven. Even though this is a period of childhood, it can nevertheless not be excluded from tarbiyyat. Those who when they see a child err say, ‘it’s just a child, let it go’ are at the highest level of stupidity. They don‟t seem to realise that it is this period of childhood which is the period of learning. If it (the child) doesn‟t learn in this age, it will find it very difficult to learn when it grows up. In fact, if we think about it, it is this period of childhood which is the most appropriate period in which to learn, and therefore it is in this period that children should be educated according to the principles of Islam. Thus, even though a child is considered absolved from some of its actions, the best period of learning is really in this period of life”.
19th March 1948

It is the cleansing and keeping of the body clean from filth and dirt (i.e. najasat).
The purpose of Taharat is so that one is in a clean and purified physical state for as long and as much as is possible. Offering of prayers happens five times a day, and it is mandatory to be in a state of Taharat whilst offering prayers. Also, life is unpredictable, and death can overtake even the fittest person at any time. It is good that if that time comes, a person is in a state of taharat.
Najasat – Najas (Things that cause a loss of state of taharat).
1. Human urine or faeces
2. Semen
3. Animal dung
4. Bird droppings
5. Discharge from wounds, i.e. exudates and pus.
6. Blood that flows from the body
7. Contact with the meat or blood of dead and or decaying animals or animals that are considered Haram in Islam.
8. The saliva of Dogs or animals regarded as haram in Islam (it is also not permitted to consume something that such animals have eaten or drunk from).
9. Dirt and mud from streets and public drains.
The above are considered filth that affects the state of Taharat of the body. If any part of the body or clothing comes in contact with them, it is best to thoroughly wash the affected part of the body or clothing with clean water. (Though washing once is adequate, but doing it three times is preferable).

The Promised Messiah alaihissalam expects every
Ahmadi to keep away from falsehood, fornication,
adultery, trespasses of the eye, debauchery,
dissipation, cruelty, dishonesty, mischief and
rebellion. It is necessary to constantly evaluate
ourselves to see whether we are staying away from
falsehood. Some people think these things as not very
important and they lie in their businesses dealings
and their affairs, thinking that telling a lie is no great
thing, whereas Allah Almighty has declared this akin
to Idolatory. Due to the media, evils like fornication
and trespass of the eye have become common place.
On television or via the internet, such vulgar and
useless film programs are seen in the homes that
push them toward these evils. In some Ahmadi
households, young boys and girls especially, get
ensnared in these evils. At first, these films are
watched because it is deemed to be broad mindedness
to do so. Then, some unfortunate households
practically get involved in these evils themselves.
Fornication is actually of the mind and of the eye as
well, and gradually, this form of fornication extends
into true evil doings. Parents initially do not take
precautions, and when the water has passed under
the bridge, then they lament that their children have
gone astray and their progeny is destroyed. Therefore,
it is important that they be vigilant beforehand. Stop
their children from sitting in front of the TV during
vulgar programs. They should also keep an eye on
their use of the internet.
Hazrat Khalifatul Masih V, Friday Sermon 23rd
April 2010


Selected Extracts - Tarbiyyat Medical - Jul-Sep 2010


The Promised Messiah alaihissalam says:
“People do wish to have children but not so that they should be helpers of faith, but rather so that they would have someone to succeed them after death on this earth. And when they do have children, then they do not worry about their moral reformation. Neither is any correction made of their beliefs”
Al Hakam Vol5 page 35

B E P L E A S E D W I T H H I M ) H A S M E N T I O N E D 2 6
I N H I S B O O K C A L L E D M I N H A J U T A L I B E E N .
T H E S E C O N D P O I N T I S T O :
Kee p children clean as the external
has an influence on the internal –
the SOUL.

Influence of external
factors on a child!
„A child should be kept neat and tidy and, should be
properly cleaned after stools. Some of you might say
that this particular chore belongs to the mother. This
is true. But it is equally true that the mother will
perform it properly only if the father is properly
orientated in this regard. It is men's duty to bring
home to women the fact that an unclean child will not
have a clean mind. Unfortunately not much attention
is paid to this matter. Women are sometimes guilty of
grave negligence in this regard. ...................‟
„How can you look after the inner cleanliness of the
child if you do not look after its external cleanliness?
Let the child have a clean body. Its impact on his
mind will be great. As a consequence, the child will
come to have a clean mind and will become immune
to sins which are caused by un-cleanliness. Medical
research bears out that a child commits its first sin
because it is dirty. Dirt irritates the anal passages
which the child rubs and manipulates. It finds
pleasure in the process and becomes conscious of
sex. It can be safeguarded against sexual eros to a
very large extent if it is kept clean. This training must
begin the very day it is born.‟
Mirza Mahmood Ahmad, Kahlifatul Masih II

If morals are corrected right from the beginning
then there is no question that a child will stand up
to their parents and argue with them.
I have already mentioned this once before.
There is children’s’ attire, the attire of girls
particularly. Attention needs to be drawn to this
right from early childhood – age 4 to 5 years old.
Only if attention is drawn from this age will they
begin to realise its importance when they grow
up. If you try to make them realise at the age of
14 or 15 years telling them to stop wearing jeans
and start wearing a coat instead, then the girl will
react to it.
Hazrat Khalifatul Masih V (25.9.2009)

The Holy Prophet Muhammad SalAllaho Alaihi wasallam said:
“When any of you drinks, then do not breathe into the vessel from which you are drinking, and when any of you goes to the washroom, then should not touch your private parts with the right hand, and neither should you use the right hand to wash yourself after passing urine” Bukhari, Kitab ul Wodo.


Selected Extracts - Tarbiyyat Medical - Oct-Nov 2010


Children should not be told tales of
horror. This would make them
cowards. When they grow up, they
would do nothing brave. If a child
exhibits a tendency towards
cowardice, it should be told stories
of courage and made to play with
children who are brave.
Point 12 from Minhaj-ul-talibeen by Hazrat
Khalifatul Masih II (may Allah be pleased with

The Holy Prophet Muhammad salAllahoalaihiwasallam is reported to have said:
‘Woe to the one who talks to make the people laugh and tells lies, woe to him, woe to him.’
Abu Dawood
‘Three are the signs of the hypocrite, even if he prays, fasts, and pretends to be a Muslim: When he talks, he lies; when he makes a promise he breaks it; and when he is given a trust, he betrays it’

Hazrat Khalifatul Masih V ayyadahullahota’ala says:
I specifically stressed on an issue last year also, and will say it again as it is very important. It is not expected from a child, any Ahmadi child let alone a waqfe nau child whose standards are very high, that they will ever tell a lie. No Ahmadi child should even jokingly tell a lie.
2nd May 2004

Bathing is promoted as a means of
cleanliness and hygiene in Islam, as well as a
symbol of spiritual cleansing of oneself.
There are 3 essential components to taking a
First! Washing and clearing of the mouth
with water.
Second! Clearing of the nose with water
Third! Pouring water over the entire body
until no part of the body remains dry. In
ladies, if the hair is thick and pleated, it is not
necessary to undo them and wet them
entirely. It is sufficient to just pour water over
the head three times, and run your hands
over the head (i.e. doing Massah).

Allah Almighty has laid great emphasis upon
treating parents well and elegantly, unless they
stop you from worshiping Him, or are encouraging
the teaching of Shirk (associating partners with
Allah). But this apart, they are to be obeyed in
everything else. This is so because as we are
unable to repay them for the service they have
rendered us in our childhood we should pray for
them as well as look after them. We should pray
that even in their old age they should not get grief
and pain from any of our actions. It should
however be borne in mind that despite all our
prayers and service to them, we should not assume
that we have fulfilled our obligations to them. We
(as their children) are not capable of repaying the
favour they bestowed upon us in our childhood.
Hazrat Khalifatul Masih V, 16th January 2004


Selected Extracts - Tarbiyyat Medical - Jan-Mar 2010


It is reported from Ibn Abbas that
the Prophet
salAllahoalaihiwasallam called
Azan in the right ear of al-Hasan
(may Allah be pleased with him) and
Iqamah in his left ear. [al-Baihaqi]
Upon birth of an infant, call Azaan in the
right ear and Takbeer in the left ear.
1st of the 26 points of Tarbiyyat e Aulad by Hazrat
Musleh Mauood raziAllahoanho.

Hazrat Khalifatul Masih II (may Allah be
pleased with him) states in Minhajutalibeen:
“No wonder the Holy Prophet, on whom be
peace and blessings, has said: Every child is
born true to nature. It is his parents who
make of him a Jew or a Christian or a
Magian. It is true also that it is his parents
who turn him into a Muslim or a Hindu. The
Hadith does not mean that when the child has
grown up, his parents take him to a church to
have him baptised as a Christian. The
meaning of the Hadith is that a child as a
child is at the mercy of his parents. He
absorbs what he hears them say and does
what he sees them do. The child is a great
imitator. If the parents do not set before him a
proper model to copy, he will go elsewhere to
find a model which he can copy. Some
liberals think that it is best to leave the
children alone. Even Ahmadis say it and say
that when they grow up, they will discover
Ahmadiyyat themselves. But what I say is
that this may be true if no other sound
reaches the ears of the child nor any sight his
eyes. But this is not true. All sorts of sounds
are impinging on the ears of the child. All the
time the child is learning. If angels do not
communicate with the child, then it is certain
that Satan will become his friend and give
him his company. If good things do not reach
the child's ears, bad things certainly will. Let
Ahmadi parents take note. If you want
your children to grow into good adults,
then use your home as a kind of
segregation camp. Keep children away
from everything except good influences.
This is the only way to safeguard the
future generations”.

Hazrat Khalifatul Masih III (may Allah have mercy upon him) said:
The foundation of piety can only be established in childhood, because it is only in childhood that all habits develop……You should always and constantly be aware that you are the children of the Holy Prophet Muhammad salAllahoalaihiwasallam.
(Mash’ale Rah Vol 4)

Hazrat Khalifatul Masih V ayyadahullahota’ala said at the Canadian Jalsa Salana 25th June 2005:
Children have spent most of their time with their mothers which is why mothers have more influence on their children……According to one large research study a fact that came to the fore was that even 15 or 16 year old boys took more influence from their mothers. They tended to follow what they said and treated them as their confidants……When children become older, their fathers don’t stop them from gravitating into bad habits and hardly pay any attention to them resulting in them being lost……Even in this age (stage) children of mothers who have been taking care of them remain under the influence of their mothers. Thus, mothers are more responsible for the tarbiyyat of their children and therefore should take care of them well. By showing them the difference between good and bad and by making them aware of religious teachings they should take care of them.


Selected Extracts - Tarbiyyat Medical - Oct-Nov 2009


 When feeding (the child) do not give too much or too little. Keep a balance.
 There should be a variety in the diet. Do not give the child’s favourite food all the time.
From Minhaj-ul-Talibeen

The focus of my address is every woman in every country who after being impressed by western culture disobeys the teaching of the Holy Qur’an. They actually display weakness of their faith. Huzoor said that Satan always attacks by inducing indulgence in minor breaches and offences first, but then gradually moves on to involve them in major breaches and offences later.
Some believe that it is OK for young boys and girls to go out together in bazaars and to participate in song and dance events, and that these are little and minor things, and we shouldn’t worry about them too much. But these are all immoral things, which are not permitted in Islam.
Huzoor stated that it is the general perception in Western Societies that (immoral) actions that do not affect others adversely and from which others don’t get hurt are perfectly acceptable and are OK to continue doing. However, before starting anything, an Ahmadi must stop and think whether the activity they are going to be engaged in, is against the will of God or not.
In this regard, Huzoor mentioned the indecent programs on television and the internet, to which if one becomes addicted, it then becomes very difficult to conduct one’s life in a decent manner. In some households, such programs are viewed together with young children, and it has been seen that it is these very households which are often affected by sorrows and enmities and breakdown of rishtas (marriages) and relationships. (from Alfazal International 21.8.2009)

Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IV may Allah have mercy on him states:
This is also a link in the series on the subject of rights that has been going on at the moment, and this relates mainly to the rights of children. In this context, sometimes there is also mention of the obligations of parents, and sometimes the rights of children come to the fore and are mentioned. But these cannot be split from one another. But the main emphasis is that you should fulfil the rights of your children. In this regard, the first hadith has been taken from Ibn-e-Maja. Hazrat Anas bin Malik (may Allah be pleased with him) states that the Holy Prophet SalAllahoalaihiwasallam said, ‘deal with your children respectfully and bring them up properly (do good tarbiyyat of them)’.
Taken from Mash’ale Rah, Vol 3.