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Research Project

This blog is presently being used to conduct research on certain aspects of Religion and Health. These aspects will hopefully be better defined as the research proceeds further. It has been suggested that we gather as much materials as possible on Psychosis and Mysticism, preferably by experts in the field, not people who write stuff based on their beliefs, on religious beliefs (which are often not founded or proved) or on their subjective experience. It has also been suggested that we also take into account psychiatric, sociological, philosophical as well as psychological elements in this research. We would like to write a paper following international professional guidelines and take all precautions in referencing etc.

Looking forward to finding an interesting evolution of posts and comments on our blog in way of this proposed research.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Selected Extracts - Tarbiyyat Medical - Oct-Nov 2009


 When feeding (the child) do not give too much or too little. Keep a balance.
 There should be a variety in the diet. Do not give the child’s favourite food all the time.
From Minhaj-ul-Talibeen

The focus of my address is every woman in every country who after being impressed by western culture disobeys the teaching of the Holy Qur’an. They actually display weakness of their faith. Huzoor said that Satan always attacks by inducing indulgence in minor breaches and offences first, but then gradually moves on to involve them in major breaches and offences later.
Some believe that it is OK for young boys and girls to go out together in bazaars and to participate in song and dance events, and that these are little and minor things, and we shouldn’t worry about them too much. But these are all immoral things, which are not permitted in Islam.
Huzoor stated that it is the general perception in Western Societies that (immoral) actions that do not affect others adversely and from which others don’t get hurt are perfectly acceptable and are OK to continue doing. However, before starting anything, an Ahmadi must stop and think whether the activity they are going to be engaged in, is against the will of God or not.
In this regard, Huzoor mentioned the indecent programs on television and the internet, to which if one becomes addicted, it then becomes very difficult to conduct one’s life in a decent manner. In some households, such programs are viewed together with young children, and it has been seen that it is these very households which are often affected by sorrows and enmities and breakdown of rishtas (marriages) and relationships. (from Alfazal International 21.8.2009)

Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IV may Allah have mercy on him states:
This is also a link in the series on the subject of rights that has been going on at the moment, and this relates mainly to the rights of children. In this context, sometimes there is also mention of the obligations of parents, and sometimes the rights of children come to the fore and are mentioned. But these cannot be split from one another. But the main emphasis is that you should fulfil the rights of your children. In this regard, the first hadith has been taken from Ibn-e-Maja. Hazrat Anas bin Malik (may Allah be pleased with him) states that the Holy Prophet SalAllahoalaihiwasallam said, ‘deal with your children respectfully and bring them up properly (do good tarbiyyat of them)’.
Taken from Mash’ale Rah, Vol 3.

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